On occasion HCFWI receives significant donations. Due to their value and or specific requests of the donor, HCFWI will look to return these legacies to WI members via bursaries and grants.
Ellingham / Timsbury Bursary
Purpose: To provide funding for a WI member to attend an educational course (up to a 2-day residential course). The educational purpose is to learn in detail, a new skill or develop further personal skills and knowledge (e.g. craft, cookery, public speaking, computer skills). The bursary cannot be used to pay for WI member’s travel to the course.
Background: The money is funded from the interest of an investment from monies from the now closed Ellingham WI and Timsbury WI.
Amount: current funds available in 2025 are limited to £2000. Available funds will be reviewed annually.
- Any Hampshire member is eligible for this bursary provided they have not already received this bursary within the last 3 years.
- The member may choose a course up to the value of £2000.
- The winners are drawn at random (using MCS records) and announced at the Spring Council Meeting.
Kay Dell / Eileen Greenway Memorial Bursary
Purpose: Bursary for HCFWI Groups or Event Managers to run an educational event for Groups or a Federation event. There is no limit to what the educational activity may be, e.g., it could be, but is not limited to, computer skills, art, crafts, cookery, or corporate skills such as marketing, use of social media, or public speaking. The money can be used for the cost of the venue, tutors, light catering during the event. The bursary cannot be used to pay for WI members’ travel or be used to fund a lunch or dinner for WI members.
Background: Kay Dell was a Federation Vice Chair and member of Hyden WI. Kay Dell and Eileen Greenway had a long-term involvement with Girl Guides. They both left a percentage of their estate to HCFWI. The HCFWI Board established this fund with the capital donated and agreed to make an annual bursary from the interest.
Amount: For 2025 funds available up to £2000. To be reviewed annually.
- Application form to be submitted to the Board of Trustees stating the type or specific course they would like to apply for and reasons why, together with estimated costings, including financial quotes.
- Any Group or Event Manager may apply
- The event should be educational in the broadest terms and aim to include as many members as possible.
- Travel and refreshments are not covered.
Friendship Fund
Purpose: To provide a fund from which a Hampshire WI can apply for financial assistance. Examples of types of application include, but are not limited to:
- A very small WI (less than 20 members) may apply for funds to pay for a specific speaker they would otherwise not be able to afford.
- A very small WI (less than 20 members) may apply to allow them to continue to meet where the hall charges have been raised significantly.
- A WI who, through no fault of their own, have suffered financially can apply for support for up to 6 months to allow the WI to fund raise to ensure its continuing survival.
Background: HCFWI is aware that a number of WIs, particularly those with few members, can struggle financially. A relatively small amount could make a big difference for a WI in temporary financial difficulty. The fund was created initially from HCFWI general funds, and individual WIs and WI members may donate money to this fund.
Amount: To be proposed by the applicant and is subject to funds available.
- A WI seeking support from the fund should apply by submitting an application form to the Board stating the reasons for the application, what the funds would be used for and proposed costs.
- The WI should attach the last 3 years’ financial statements.
- The WI should talk to their WI Adviser who should state their support of the application.
- HCFWI BOT will review applications ensuring the following are in attendance for that discussion – Federation Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer, Chair of WI Advisers and a neutral WI Adviser (i.e., not the adviser supporting the WI applying).
- The following factors will be considered by the BOT during its review:
- Whether the Friendship Fund has sufficient funds available to meet the financial support requested;
- What steps the WI has already taken to mitigate its financial position
- That the WI has not deliberately put itself into financial difficulty
- The WI will be informed in writing about the outcome
- If awarded, the WI will be asked to provide details on how the money was spent one year after the grant was awarded. Any remaining funds stay with the WI who may need to explain proposals for spending remaining funds.
Pam Toneri Bursary
Purpose: This bursary is awarded to Groups and WIs for promotional purposes only. “For promotional purposes” should be interpreted broadly, this can include, but is not limited to, physical printing for promotion, payment to attend promotional events (e.g., local fairs and events), etc. It can be used to improve knowledge of marketing and promotion as long as some of the money is used to implement the new knowledge (e.g., lessons on marketing and poster promotion, followed by printing and distribution of posters). The bursary cannot be used to pay for WI members travel to any promotional event or activity.
Background: This fund was established from a legacy left to HCFWI.
Applications will be considered, and funds awarded from the total funds available.
Amount: For 2025, funds available are up to £2000; part or all the amount can be applied for.
Travel costs and refreshments are excluded. To be reviewed annually.
Application form to be submitted to Board of Trustees stating what type or specific promotion will be undertaken, what it hopes to achieve, reasons why it is required together with estimated costings, including financial quotes.
Joy Morgan Bursary
Purpose: To provide three bursaries for a course that, in the spirit of Denman and the friendships made there, allows WI members to learn new skills or explore new topics in a group. This bursary can be used to cover course or tutor fees and travelling expenses.
Background: HCFWI received a legacy from Joy Morgan who was a member of Oliver’s Battery WI. Joy was a big supporter of Denman and, using the legacy, will be able to offer three bursaries each year to be used for Denman courses for a WI. However, as Denman no longer exists Joy’s executors have given their consent to broaden the criteria to include any course in the spirit of Denman.
Amount: 3 x £100. To be reviewed annually.
- For each bursary a Hampshire WI will be chosen at random.
- All Hampshire WIs will be included in the draw, which will take place at the Spring Council Meeting.
Virtual Balloon 2023 Race Bursary
This bursary is to provide funding for one or more WIs to carry out activities related to the NFWI Annual Campaign, linked to the Resolution voted for at the Annual Meeting 2023 . The Bursary is funded out of monies raised from the Virtual Balloon Race 2023.
The Bursary will enable WIs to hold events to assist their activity in support of this resolution. The winners will be selected by the Hampshire Board of Trustees after review of applications . Any Hampshire WI is eligible for this bursary. Applicants should write a submission in not more than 200 words, detailing the event and how it will support their campaign activity. The winners will be announced at the Spring Council Meeting . Bursaries should be used between May, after the receipt of the award, and April of the year following .
The bursary will be up to £100 per WI. Any monies not used will be carried forward to be used in line with the purpose.